About us

imo =
'in my opinion'
imo analytics is a high quality innovative boutique social and market research company based in Melbourne Australia. We are a boutique research company that specialises in quantitative and qualitative survey research, data analytics, business intelligence and management consulting to large and small organisations across many industries.
iWe offer bespoke research, and customise our research according to customer needs. We do not offer ready-made packages or force you into buying software or curated research solutions. Because we are small - we are quick, nimble and affordable. All our research consultants are highly experienced in senior roles who work directly on whatever you want to investigate.
Our mission is to help you to use the power of data effectively to better understand and connect with your stakeholders or customers in the most direct and engaging way possible. We help you use the insights to improve their customer service and organisational effectiveness.
We specialise in collecting and visualising data to provide accessible, insightful results to improve your services or organisational effectiveness.
If you want to understand your customers' perceptions and opinions of your brand, products or services; gain insights into what your competitors are doing; investigate employee morale; or benchmark your organisational performance - we have the deep expertise to perform all these services and more.
​We provide easy-to-read, user-friendly reports and insights. Each chart tells a clear story, each graphic provides new information to develop useful strategies.
You may want to bring your surveys and data collection in-house. After we have designed and analysed your first customer survey, we can set the ongoing online survey up for you in-house; train you to run follow-up surveys, download the data as well as automate the data analyses and reporting (in Excel, Word, Tableau or Qlik) to reduce the on-going costs of running customer surveys through an agency.
Trusting us to bring your data alive is just the beginning. We help you to discover the beauty of data, and learn how to use it effectively to take your organisation to the next level.